Australian Army Vehicles
Current vehicles use a three tone colour pallet of Tan, Black and Olive Green. This seems to be standard colours for all vehicles including M1A1 AIM (SA), ASLAV, M113AS4, HX Series Trucks, Unimogs, G-Wagons, Landrover 110, Hawkei and soon to be BOXER CRV. When the M1’s arrived in 2007 they were painted in an overall Modern Desert Sand scheme. This was gradually changed from 2013 onwards to the standard three tone scheme.
Modern Desert Sand is FS33531 (Testors 1706/Tamiya XF-57 + 25% XF-2)
Dark Tan is FS30219 (Testors 1742/Tamiya XF-52)
Olive Green is FS34087 (Ideally it should be mixed with 25% FS34102 Medium Green)
Testors 1711 + 25% 1713/Tamiya XF-58)
Flat Black is FS37038 (Ideally it should be mixed with 10% FS34102 Medium Green)
Testors 1749 + 10% 1713/Tamiya XF-69 (NATO Black)